Here are 3 tips to make your life behind a desk a little more manageable!
Set a timer for every 20-30 minutes and MOVE. Doesn’t have to be a long walk, it can simply be going from sitting to standing and STRETCHING (this goes for you standing desk people too!!). Or jogging in place for 1 minute. 40 jumping jacks. Or even 20 push-ups. Whatever is it, make it a routine and find yourself feeling better at the end of the workday.
Have a supportive chair! Find a chair with quality lumbar support. Can’t buy a chair? Add a lumbar support cushion. Can’t wait for one to show up via amazon prime? Roll up a towel and put it below your bottom ribs and above the top of your pelvis. This also works for long car rides or plane rides.
Drink water! We get stuck in a routine and find ourselves drinking coffee nonstop to finish one project to the next project. And forget to drink any water! Ever notice those headaches that happen midday/end of the work day? They could be related to dehydration. Ideally, you want to drink nearly half your bodyweight, in fluid ounces. For example, if you are 160lbs, you’d want to drink 80oz of water.
hope you find these tips helpful and informative!