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Sciatica? Pain/numbness down your legs?

Give us a call 

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# Experience Effective Relief from Sciatica and Leg Pain with Chiropractic Care at Performance and Recovery Clinic

Sciatica is a condition characterized by pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which extends from the lower back through the hips and buttocks and down each leg. It can be accompanied by symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and weakness in the affected leg. At Performance and Recovery Clinic, with locations in Carbondale, Basalt, and Aspen, Colorado, we offer specialized chiropractic care tailored to address the root causes of sciatica and leg pain, promoting long-term wellness and improved quality of life.

## Understanding Sciatica and Leg Pain

Sciatica and leg pain can arise from various factors, including:

- **Herniated Discs:** When the inner material of a spinal disc protrudes, it can press on the sciatic nerve, causing pain and discomfort.
- **Spinal Stenosis:** Narrowing of the spinal canal can compress the sciatic nerve, leading to symptoms of sciatica.
- **Piriformis Syndrome:** Tightness or spasms in the piriformis muscle, located in the buttocks, can irritate the sciatic nerve.
- **Spondylolisthesis:** A condition where one vertebra slips over another, potentially pinching the sciatic nerve.

## The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Sciatica and Leg Pain

At Performance and Recovery Clinic, our chiropractic care offers several advantages for individuals experiencing sciatica and leg pain:

- **Personalized Treatment Plans:** We create customized treatment plans based on a thorough assessment of your condition to address your specific needs.
- **Spinal Adjustments:** By correcting misalignments in the spine, we can alleviate pressure on the sciatic nerve, reducing pain and improving mobility.
- **Exercise Rehabilitation:** Our tailored exercise programs focus on strengthening the muscles supporting the spine and improving flexibility, which can help prevent future episodes of sciatica.
- **Manual Therapy Techniques:** We employ specialized techniques to relieve muscle tension and promote healing in soft tissues that may be contributing to sciatic nerve irritation.
- **Modern Therapeutic Modalities:** Our clinic utilizes advanced technology, such as laser therapy, to provide effective and non-invasive treatment options.

## Focusing on Functional Outcomes

Our primary goal is to not only alleviate pain and numbness but also to enhance your overall functionality. By addressing the underlying causes of sciatica and leg pain, we aim to improve your ability to perform daily activities, engage in sports, and enjoy an active lifestyle without discomfort. Our comprehensive approach ensures that you receive the care you need for lasting relief and optimal spinal health.

## Experience the Difference at Performance and Recovery Clinic

If sciatica or leg pain is affecting your quality of life, turn to Performance and Recovery Clinic for expert chiropractic care. Our offices in Carbondale, Basalt, and Aspen, Colorado, are equipped with modern facilities and a team of skilled chiropractors dedicated to your wellness.

Don't let sciatica or leg pain hold you back any longer. Schedule an appointment at Performance and Recovery Clinic today and take the first step toward a pain-free, functional life. Let us help you unlock your body's full potential and experience the transformative benefits of chiropractic care.

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